How Extreme Gratitude Converts Into Faith ..

Jamal Maison
2 min readDec 23, 2017

Gratitude is an amazing thing.

It has the power to turn what we have into enough and more and Then We See even more of that in our reality.

It’s Funny man.

Gratitude is a Funny Thing.

I was in the Car speaking with my father last night and I was talking to him about how Funny Gratitude Is.

Like Isn’t it funny how the homeless person appreciates 1$ given to them, and the middle Class Person with a House, Family, and a job complains all The Time.

It led to me to thinking that possibly people that have been through the most stuff, humbles them to appreciate the smallest stuff.

And, alternatively the people that have the most stuff, in turn complain about the smallest stuff.

I look at gratitude a certain secret power every person has, and can choose to use, and the only reason it’s secret is because people don’t know how using it can change your life by

  • Making you feel good all the time
  • Attracting Good into Your Life
  • Better Friendships
  • Better Health
  • Inner peace, Gods Peace which can transform your life.
  • Better connection with people and people will like you.
  • Improves confidence And Self Esteem
  • Bringing you Closer to God
  • You will look for happiness in the inside rather than the outside.
  • That gratitude turns into Faith

My Last Point ?

How Does Gratitude Turn into Faith?

3 ways…

  • Daily Gratitude Helps You Focus On the Good that is happening, this leads to believe that there is More On The Way.
  • Gratitude for who you are, what you’ve accomplished, and the impact you’ve made, boosts confidence and self love. More Confidence in life is what brings you into a higher realm of life.
  • We realize we Have Enough. Feeling like You “Have Enough” combined with Prayer by Telling God what You Want, will let god give you what you want.

Gratitude Is Powerful, and You don’t Have to Go By my Word.

You can apply and see For yourself

With the many ways to apply it by

  • Having a gratitude Journal and labeling 3 things your grateful for a day.
  • Being Conscious Of the things your presently grateful for
  • Being conscious of what you been grateful for in your past.
  • Savoring and appreciating 1 Thing a day
  • Saying 3 Thank you’s a day and feeling it.

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Jamal Maison

My Ideas In A Vault. Personal Branding Agency Owner.